Chapter 34
Ann Turner, England with her cousin, Kay Parry,at the seaside. Ann is the daughter of Ina Soden and Frank Turner and Kay is the daughter of Josie Soden and Bill Parry. Taken sometime in the 1950s fist cousins playing in the sand at Dollymount.

Roberta Soden Machnik
Muriel Soden
Isabella Letitia Soden
Marie Soden, Rose of Tralee
Julie Soden
Christine Soden
Ann Soden
Lesley Soden
Marie Soden Feeney
Margaret Soden
Elizabeth Drumm(ond)
Doris Soden
Alice Soden
Kayleigh Soden
Roberta Soden Machnik, Montreal, Canada
was born in the year 1920 and
celebrates in 2020 her hundredth birthday.
We wish her many more years of happy life
with her family. Roberta is the sister of the
late James Arthur Soden who contributed so
much to the researching of the Soden family.
Roberta also follows another Soden into the
records , that is, Thomas Soden of Warwickshire
England and Sligo, Ireland who attained the fine
age of 105 years living from 1595 – 1700.
We see a photograph of Roberta here with a
congratulatory message from Her Majesty
Elizabeth II.
Ad Multos Annos!!!!
MURIEL SODEN, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Irish Medical Times
3rd August, 1998
Fiona Dillon
Dr. Muriel Soden was appointed full-time consultant rheumatologist at the Bon Secours
Hospital in Tralee, Co. Kerry
She is a native of Tullamore, County Offaly and has been in practice as a consultant
rheumatologist in Australia for the past ten year.
A graduate of the RCSI, Dr. Soden served as a research registrar in St. Vincent’s Hospital, Elm
Park, Dublin.
She has held positions in Wexford and Dundalk before taking up her first appointment in
Australia in 1988.
Dr. Soden is married with three children.

Elizabeth Soden , mother of Henry Drummond

Marie Feeney Soden, Toronto & Dublin

Marie Soden, Rose of Tralee, 1976

Ann Soden & Family, Montreal, Canada

Christine Soden, 1954 [centre]
was the fourth daughter of James Nicholson Soden and Arabelle Nicholson. She was born in Sligo on the 6th October , 1825 . She married Gerrard Macklin Eccles , a native of Tyrone . His son presented the Diary of Thomas Soden ,Provost, to James Soden , Toronto in the early 1970s. Isabella did a tapestry of the Soden Coat of Arms , now also in Toronto and also played the organ for many years in the Protestant Church of Ahamplish. She is buried with other members of the family in
Moneygold graveyard . There is also a photograph taken of a picture of Grange Castle by her son ,which gives us a good idea of what it looked like. This was done from his memory of the Castle in his youth.
She is recorded in the Griffiths Valuation of 1856 as sole tenant in charge of the Moneygold churchyard with another site nearby.She built a new home in Moneygold for the princely sum of £480 in 1857. There are quite a number of deeds and agreements where both Isabella Dodd Soden , mother , and Isabella Letitia Soden, her daughter are mentioned. in the late 19th century.
She died on the 18th April, 1916 at 91 years of age. Her daughter ,Isabella, settled and died in Ballygihen Avenue, Sandymount , Co. Dublin.

Roberta Machnik Soden , 1920-2020

Marg Soden , Toronto,m Canada & Ute Hoefer-Soden, Dublin, Ireland

Isabella Letitia Soden Embroidery

Lesley Soden, Toronto, Canada

Doris Soden ,Wyebridge, Ontario, Canada
Beauty Competition held annually in
Kerry , Ireland
August , 1976
Family originating in BALLYJAMESDUFF , CO. CAVAN
JULIE SODEN, Belfast, United Kingdom
Congratulations to Julie Soden , Belfast , Northern Ireland on obtaining her doctorate from Queen’s University , Belfast . Julie is now lecturing in The New University of Ulster ,Coleraine. Her parents , Jim and Norma Soden from Belfast were at the reunion in Sligo in June , 2000.This family is of the Co. Longford branch of Glenoghill.
CHRISTINA SODEN, 1885 – 1967
Christine Coyle, my paternal grandmother, was a gentle, soft-spoken, intelligent lady, the ideal grandmother with whom we all have had the happiest memories. She married my grandfather, Peter Soden, in Dublin in 1915 at the Pro-Cathedral in Dublin, not far from where my grandfather worked at Arnotts in Henry Street. She was from Abbeyleix, Co. Laois and it is thought they met through her visiting and shopping at Arnotts when she came to Dublin. They were married for 46 years , she died in 1967 and is buried in the Soden plot in Killygarry, Co. Cavan. They lived in Cavan town till 1943 and then moved to Dublin.On leaving Cavan the Ladies of the town presented her with a solid Silver Tray engraved with their appreciation.
ANN SODEN, Montreal, Canada
Ann Soden is a Montreal lawyer developing the growing field of Elder Law in Canada, Ann has founded a number of related practices to this area of law. She is also a Commissioner of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging, Washington, D.C., and is the first international member
to hold such an office in the Commission’s twenty-six year history.
Ann Soden is a frequent national and international speaker on issues affecting older persons.
She taught the first national Elder Law course at McGill University’s Faculty of Law
Ms Soden recently developed the first course on Elder Law for judges in Canada with the National Judicial Institute in Ottawa. She is General Editor and one of the authors of Advising the Older Client, the first national and comparative law text on law and aging in Canada, published in 2005 by Lexis Nexis Butterworths and has two other titles,Planning for Incapacity and Advising the Older Client in Quebec, published in 2010 . She also acts as a consultant to the Quebec Institute of
Social Gerontology . As a practitioner Ann offers legal advice, advocacy and case management to older clients and to the people who play a role in the lives of older people.
Ann is married to Yuri Bouharevich ,has two children, Yuri and Ali and one grandchild, Reagan.
LESLEY SODEN, 1953 – 2009
Dr. Lesley Margaret Soden
The family of James & Edna Soden, Toronto, suffered a great loss with the death their beloved Lesley on 11th January, 2009.
A young mother, successful in business and an academic, Lesley was ebullient, intelligent and self-assured.
Lesley endured a relatively long and painful illness with breast cancer, during which time we obtained some idea of the measure of the person by the immense courage and joy she communicated to all who had contact with her. Hemingway defined courage as grace under pressure. For her courage and much more Lesley was greatly loved by her friends as we have seen by their reaction to her passing. She is mourned by her partner, Michael Moody and her young son, Jack.
MARIE SODEN FEENEY , [1952 – ], Dublin, Ireland and Toronto, Canada
Marie Soden Feeney, A Registered Nurse in the Accident & Emergency, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada , 1976 – 2019 , is married to Jim Feeney and they have two grown-up children, Michael and Rosemary, and three grandchildren.
Though of course her work was demanding and challenging , the greatest test came for her when she and colleagues were threatened at gunpoint by a very distressed gunman. The event ended in his death and Marie was honoured by the hospital board for her courage and professionalism during the whole event. As part of a report on St. Michael’s Triage Unit, Marie featured in Time Magazine Canada in 2004.
MARGARET SODEN (Marg), [ 1951 – ], Toronto, Canada
Margaret Soden, MA, ICD.D, Diversity 50
Margaret was appointed to Diversity 50 in 2015, and obtained her Masters in Leadership through Royal Roads University.
After completing her undergraduate degree in English at Simon Fraser University in B.C.,Margaret joined IBM Canada Limited. During her 10-year tenure, she held a variety of senior sales and marketing management positions, including that of first female Branch Manager of the company’s Office Products Division with accountability for all of Saskatchewan Province.
She then joined Xerox Canada Inc., where she held a succession of senior management positions in sales, marketing and systems support.
Since establishing Soden Leadership Group (formerly, Strus & Associates Inc.), an Executive coaching and consulting firm in 2004, she led her own firm to receive the first Award for Excellence in Small Business.
Margaret is bilingual, lives in both Toronto and Thornbury, Ontario and is a proud mother of 28-year old twins — a daughter, Catherine and a son, Ryan. The Strus Soden Family attended the Soden Family Reunion in Sligo, Ireland in June, 2000.
Mrs. Elizabeth Drummond [Elizabeth Morris Soden] was the mother of four boys, amongst whom was the medical doctor and noted Canadian poet, William Henry Drummond. Elizabeth, her husband, George Drumm, emigrated from Leitrim with their four sons to Montreal. George Drumm died there soon after and Elizabeth reared her family alone. They did all sorts of work and opened a small shop in the front of their house selling goods and newspapers. All the sons became successful businessmen in their won right in Canada with William Henry becoming a Medical Doctor and noted poet. He persuaded his mother and siblings that their true
family name was Drummond and not Drumm, hence the change. David Pease of Ontario, Canada,is a direct descendant of the Drummonds.
[Margaret Laughton, St.Catherines, and David Pease, Ontario,Canada]
DORIS SODEN, vivens 1960, Wyebridge, Ontario, Canada
Doris Soden, School Teacher and Painter, was the daughter of Joseph Soden, of Midland, Ontario. She became a school teacher and married Harvey MacDougall. They had no children and lived in Medontee Township, Ontario. Doris travelled to Ireland in the 1960s and to Germany. As a young teacher she studied art with the noted Canadian painter, Franz Johnston, a member of the Group of Seven.
[Bonnie Reynolds & Margaret Laughton, Ontario, Canada]
ALICE SODEN, [1860-1919] Aston,Birmingham, Warwickshire, UK
The value and importance of family history to the individual who desires to know something of the family past can be well illustrated by Kenneth Gould’s story about his grandmother, Alice Soden.
The life tribulations of Alice Soden at the hands of her husband profoundly effected Kenneth Gould to the point that he felt he had to reveal to all the facts as he found them of her suffering and unjust imprisonment. This is related frankly in his work ‘Time and Time Again’ published in 2009.
Alice lived in Aston, near Birmingham, Warwickshire, England at the beginning of the 20th century.
Kenneth writes of his mission: –
‘……………“You asked me to put something right for you and I believe that this is what I have done. I am more than happy with the result and I hope that it is exactly what you wanted. With
much love from Your Ever Loving Grandson, Ken.”
I placed the paper in a packet of other unfiled papers next to the last page of the last Volume of my books, got up, closed the heavy pine door behind me, smiled and quietly whispered
“Goodnight Grannie Alice Soden; sleep well”.’
[Source: Kenneth Gould, 9th June, 2000]
KAYLEIGH SODEN, [ 2000 – ] Kilkenny City, Ireland
A truly young shining light on the equestrian scene in Ireland is Kayleigh Soden, a 20 year old young woman from Kilkenny City. Kayleigh is a promising young horsewoman and with her horse Ard Leaderman won the RDS Young Rider of the Year in 2019 and in this decade alone she qualified to take part in the RDS annual show 7 times. She lives in Leggerath, Kilkenny City Ireland.
[Source: Equestrian Rider Profiles: Kayleigh Soden, 22/11/2019 by Emer Bermingham, The
Irish Field]